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Health Forum

Asked for Male, 34 years

I have had 2 Issues in nose bone. 1- The nose seems like tilted to right side. 2- length of the bone is increasing gradually. Any solution other than surgery? Since I have had no previous surgery etc. I am looking for medication.

Asked for Female, 29 years

Since 3 months, I am having thick phlegm in my throat and I have consulted 3 doctors and it does not come up and does not go down. It is always inside my throat. What to do now? I have also tried home remedies like lemon honey tea etc. but no results. What to do?

Asked for Male, 76 years

The patient has been presenting with 3 days history of swollen, painful right eye & nose. The Vitals, BP and pulse have been normal but temperature rises up to 101.I need recommendations for diagnosis & treatment please .No history of Diabetes or Hypertension

Asked for Male, 35 years

Need dentist opinion. I removed my 3rd molar 3 days back and have been taking Cefadroxil and Naproxen for 3 days. But still I have pain which goes to ear and throat. And then a bad breath too. I also gargle with Enziclor mouth wash. Should I continue these medicines?

Asked for Female, 43 years

My whole family is affected by boils on legs. After “C Section”, I got this problem 6 months before and got boils on stomach and legs as well. Then my kids and husband also got effected. I am very conscious about cleanliness and hygiene, towels clothes bedsheets blankets and everything. I change and wash regularly. We use separate towels and antibacterial soaps. I just want to ask that why are we affected by these? Please guide and help us as these are very painful.

Asked for Male, 29 years

I think I am having rectum prolapse. I am feeling like something is coming out from my rectum but when i go to washroom there is nothing. This is happening from last 3 days and is happening all the day. Kindly Help .

Asked for Male, 18 years

My cousin broke his left arm bone. He is getting treated for it but I am worried about the exposure to X-rays. As he has to take X-rays on his every visit to orthopedic. I wanted to know the safe time and frequency a person can be exposed to X-rays. And would radiation affect his heart?

Asked for Female, 31 years

I have ear problem on both sides for the last 10 years and I have been using hearing aids. Sometimes, my ear felt good when inside air came out without open mouth and sometimes not good. I don’t know what happened. Should I get the surgery done or should I use any droplets for this?

Asked for Female, 49 years

About one and a half month after I had surgery for carpal tunnel. Even now my hand and some fingers are still swollen. I am having difficulty in making a fist and sometimes there is a feeling of numbness. What should I do?

Asked for Female, 48 years

I am over forty years old. Recently my weight increased rapidly and belly came out even though there was no significant change in my everyday routine. I feel full and my heart burns. What is it? Please suggest a treatment.

Asked for Male, 43 years

I had Ultrasound done and found Gallstones/ gall sludge. I do feel pain and nausea occasionally but by medications it becomes bearable. The doc is saying to open me up and remove it by surgery. My question is should i go for it or not?

Asked for Male, 61 years

My father got his toe inflamed. He’s diabetic. He used Velosef and Brufen for two days but then tried some home remedies. Unfortunately, the situation is not getting better. Any doctors who would like to suggest for his recent condition?

Asked for Male, 49 years

I had my gallbladder removed about 3 months ago. After removal, I still lost my appetite and also weight. Now with this pain originates in my gallbladder area and moves to side and back. Sometimes pain is unbearable. What can I do more than removing my bladder? I really sick of this problem.

Asked for Female, 45 years

My mother in law has pain in right side on and off from 6 months. She used to have fatty liver problem few years back but it got cured with medicines. Please tell me if the high cholesterol could be the reason of fatty liver? If he has high sugar, could it be due to that fatty liver? And what should she take in her diet?

Asked for Female, 66 years

My mother is diabetic, blood pressure and heart patient. She is suffering constipation, stomach disorder and body pain from the last few days. Her urine report diagnosed with 1020 plus cells and infection in kidney. Any good physician who can treat, guide and provide any medication?

Asked for Male, 59 years

I have been on Lithium for bipolar disorder for over 20 years. From a blood test two years ago, I noticed that my GFR was below 40. So, I gradually started switching from Lithium to Epilim to avoid further damage to my kidneys. But now, I experience excessive thirst and I wake up at night to pee and drink more. I have transparent urine with bubbles, and I also feel quite tired. I would like to know what are your suggestions for these issues.

Asked for Female, 29 years

I notice a swollen area in my neck. Doc diagnosed it to be a swollen lymph node and recommended fine needle aspiration biopsy (fnab). I wanted to know is this absolutely necessary? Is there not any other method which doesn't require insertion?

Asked for Female, 42 years

Last day out of nowhere I started to feel faint, my heart starts beating hard and fast, cold sweat and shivers, breathless. Did EKG but the result came ok. I am still fearful about this happening to me again. Can you give your opinion about the cause of this?

Asked for Male, 42 years

I have been diagnosed for hypothyroid. My tsh levels have been in the normal range for two months and hair loss has not improved at all. The dermatologist said everything is healthy from that stand point. Is this normal? Also, I have a nodule of 6mm on my thyroid. Would that cause the hair loss?

Asked for Male, 42 years

My husband feels out of breath and has chronic coughs but recently he complains about chest tightness. I am very worried about him. I want to ask is this heart related or not and what can I do for him to get better.

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